7.3 What is the dinosaur shuffle?

During a concert, John and Justin (and formerly Ray) go over to the left side of the stage (as seen from the audience) and "shuffle" together, usually during "The Story in Your Eyes." It began on the 1986 The Other Side of Life world tour with Ray, Justin, John and Patrick (playing a keyboard slung on a strap). This is currently known as the dinosaur shuffle, or just "dino" shuffle.

One thought as to the origin of this term comes from the fact that this sort of "dancing" used to be commonplace among rock and roll acts in the sixties. "Dinosaurs" are commonly known amongst themselves as old musicians, often associated with "dated" material, especially the '60s and early '70s. Another thought is that this began when there was an article written a few years back about the band, which called them rock dinosaurs. It naturally translated over to the shuffle, which rapidly became known as the Dinosaur stroll, strut and shuffle.

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